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He Will Command

Dear Friend,

In high school, I recall an accident that I had where I failed to yield the right away. As a result I pulled out in front of on coming traffic and was hit. No one was hurt. But the part that was most puzzling, was when I had to share my story with the police for the report. I stood there telling my side of the accident and when I stated the part about the impact, I kept saying that I was hit by a white car. I went on to say that this must be a hit and run because the only vehicle I see here is red. (I assumed it must’ve been a witness...) To my surprise the young man that owned the red car informs me that he was the one that hit me! I was in denial...this couldn’t have been right! I felt it...I saw it...and I knew that a WHITE vehicle hit me! Later, I was the Angels of the Most High encamped about me! And they surrounded me at impact.

You have a traveling troop of protection wherever you go. As a Kingdom citizen it’s apart of our Kingdom perks and packages! This troop of warring soldiers are not of the world yet they have the power to affect everything seen and unseen. They have the authorization to protect you wherever you go! This protection is provided by Lord of Hosts who has assigned a troop specifically to you according to your purpose and destiny!

For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

Psalm 91:11-12

The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.

Psalm 34:7


a place with temporary accommodations consisting of huts or tents, typically for troops or nomads.

Your angels are prepared, ready for battle and move at the speed of God! Angels move at the Word of God spoken. So whatever you speak will either engage them or put them on pause! Let us be mindful of the words that we speak as walk in the fear of the Lord. Remember we serve a God that will not leave us or forsake us! He has provided us with EVERYTHING that we need!

Faithfully encamped by the Angel of the Lord,




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