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It's Kingdom...

Dear Friends,

Have you ever asked the question why do we have sin and sickness? Romans 5:12 (NLT) tell us, “When Adam sinned, sin entered the world.” Unfortunately we live a world that is fallen. Both sickness and sin is amongst us daily, but if you read Roman 5, in its entirety, it assures us Jesus Christ, the Anointed One, has conquered both sin and sickness. Sin will never be able to have dominion over God’s chosen people, and we can rest in this truth that disease will not destroy us. Take a stance like Joseph did against both sin and sickness and, declare Genesis 50:20 (Amp Emphasis added) “(Satan), as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good.” In Christ the Anointed One, sin becomes a perfect demonstration of lavishness of God's Grace, and in sickness God gets to demonstrate His power by healing us, both bring glory to His name.

When the enemy tries to make us victims to sin and sickness, we need to boldly remind him that in Christ, through His grace we have been declared victorious. As, the amazing Lady Jennifer Johnson, would say, “the devil ain’t running nothing.” As a matter fact, he is running scared every time we choose to operate in God’s grace, and all of His promises. Let’s keep him on the run, by declaring God truth. As the Psalmist David declared in Psalm 103:1-4 (Message), we too say, 1-2)“O my soul, bless God. From head to toe, I’ll bless his holy name! O my soul, bless God, don’t forget a single blessing! 3) He forgives your sins-every one. He heals your diseases-every one.

May this devotional be a reminder to us all, that we are the head and not the tail, above only and never beneath (see Deut 28:13). That every sin, and sickness, must bow to the name of Jesus. We have been given authority in this earth realm to bring His kingdom to earth (see Matthew 6:10). Keep operating in Kingdom.

It’s Kingdom,

Chanda Rose

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