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Seated in Heavenly Places...

Dear Friend, Elementary science teaches us that the Earth is always the earth is moving about our sun in a circular orbit. It moves at the speed of nearly 30 kilometers per second, or 67,000 miles per hour. The solar system spins around the center of our galaxy at 220 kilometers per second, or 490,000 miles per hour! In short...our world is always spinning!!! But let’s take a look at this from a different context. How many of us have felt like our emotional world was spinning, or our relationship world was spinning, or maybe our parenting and professional world were spinning? I’m pretty sure we can all say yes and most likely it’s felt like multiple worlds spinning feverishly at the same time. I truly believe that is why God tells us to get His perspective. To lift up our eyes (Psalm 121:1)...That His ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:8) think on things above (Colossians 3:2; Philippians 4:8) To set our focus heavenward on Him and His Kingdom. He knows our world is spinning. But if we just take the time to get ourselves anchored in Him we won’t be moved. Let’s remind ourselves that we are seated in heavenly places. When Jesus walked this Earth, He was not shaken off of the truth that the Kingdom of would not/could not budge. It was the constant that He remained connected to at all times. It didn’t mean He didn’t acknowledge that the world around Him was moving; He Just didn’t let it move Him out of His Kingdom position! Today be encouraged and ask God to give you His Kingdom perspective on the situations you may be facing. Realizing that it may be moving out of control around you, but that you don’t have to moved by it. Seated in Heavenly Places,


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