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Waiting in Frustration...

Please see this devotional written by the Anonymous wife a few years ago..God is still Good.

Dear Friend,

As many of you know I am in a season of waiting, transformation, and restoration. Earlier on this journey I wrote these words, “The mornings I awake depressed and the nights I fight sleep, I must wrestle with this concept: if not a single prayer is answered during this season- if my love does not return home, is God enough for me?”

I am here to declare that God is still good.

Friends God is good, so so good. In my sadness He is good. In my loneliness He is good. In my fear He is good. If you could see me now you’d observe a young woman thrashing and flailing with joy. I don’t care to be classy with it anymore. With every breathe I will shout it out: My God is good!

Friends, I can speak of His goodness because on the nights I cried into my pillow uncontrollably wondering what’s become of my life, I could feel His gentle touch telling me it was okay to hurt, reminding me that He cries too. When the loneliness pushed so deep into my soul it hurt, I cried out in agony to the one who died alone on a cross. As I do my best to make ends meet I hear His still, sure, voice remind me, “Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, Solomon in all His glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you.”

Oh friends my God is good. He is good in those moments but He doesn’t stop there. He overwhelms me with His goodness. I proclaim His goodness because my children needed childcare so he canceled our debt and provided a scholarship to top it off. I proclaim His goodness because he gifted us with our dream car at no cost to us. I proclaim His goodness because he makes it so our rent is paid on time each month. I proclaim His goodness because I am still working my dream position. I proclaim His goodness because each passing day I cross off an item on the prayer list I wrote at the very beginning of this journey. MY GOD IS GOOD!

Friends, the best part is I know He’s just getting started. I can’t begin to imagine what He has in store. I’m humbled that He would allow me to experience such intimacy with Him. Humbled that I am able to be a part of something so much larger than myself.

Friends thank you for your prayers thus far. Thank you for going on this journey with me. I hope you’re ready, because the best is yet to come!

Those of you who are on a journey far more trying than you could have imagined. You feel like giving up and don’t see how you can make it. Be encouraged by this testimony. A testimony that is still being brought to fruition. Have hope. Believe.

I leave you with lyrics from an old hymnal that resound so deeply within my soul.

Be encouraged.

Abundantly With Love,

The Anonymous Wife

“When the morning falls on the farthest hill

I will sing His name, I will praise Him, still.

When dark trials come and my heart is filled

With the weight of doubt, I will praise Him, still.


For the Lord, our God, He is strong to save

From the arms of death, from the deepest grave,

And He gave us life in His perfect will,

And by His good grace, I will praise Him, still.”

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