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Will Trust God with That?

Check out today's devotional by my friend D. Andrews

Good Morning Ladies (and few gents),

GiG, this past weekend I was leaning on a fencepost of trust. I completed two of three 21 hours of intensive training and I must admit I’m fatigued. So, today’s quote from Gwen drilled down deeply. However, it was the Holy Spirit’s leading to read Exodus 14:14 NLT that caused me to sit up and really take notice.

The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.

See, I’m pretty chill most of the time, but I’ve not always been this way. Unfortunately, I had to learn the hard way what doesn't work—panic vs. power.

In Exodus 14, as many of you know, is the account of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea. Yup, the Israelites found themselves trapped between Pharaoh’s army and the waters of the Red Sea. In panic, they accused Moses of leading them to their deaths. And by this time, Moses had a positive attitude!

Now let’s be real, Moses had seen enough of the power of God to respond in confidence. He told the frightened Israelites not to be afraid, stand still and watch what God does. Then God miraculously parted the waters.

We all from time to time come up against unyielding obstacles. And we have a choice—panic (wrong) or turn to God and trust in His power to do what seems impossible. Yup, instead of giving into despair we should adopt Moses’ attitude to “stand firm and …see the deliverance the Lord will bring.”

Maybe this past week you’ve encountered your own “Red Sea” experience. Yet, we know God’s not taken by surprise. He’s allowed us to come to this place for certain reasons. I’m just saying! And will we trust him even when we’re not sure where he’s taking us?

May we be encouraged to trust in the Lord with all our heart, and Satan will be destroyed as faith displaces fear. There’s nothing we face that God cannot conquer. God will receive the glory. Yup, be still. Know that the Lord will fight for us. If God is for us, there is not one circumstance that can be against us.

God’s Got It…so we can DRAW NEAR—When we face “Red Sea” trials in life, Lord, give us confidence in You. As You made a way for the Israelites, please do the same for us too.

Have a “Milestone” Monday, February 24—move over anxiety, hello trust.

Called to serve and encouraging others to thrive,

DEA: Embracing a Just Be Joyful Life 2020: Laughing, Loving, and Living Life That Extends Far Beyond My Circumstances

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