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Put the Knife Down...

Dear Friend,

As the holiday cooking moments quickly approach, I have to admit that I’m not a guru in the kitchen. (Thank God for my husband!) Cooking may not be an area of expertise for me, but one thing I do know is that you cannot cut thick meat with a dull knife. In the event you try, the best you could do is saw an indentation into it. Try cutting a piece of raw meat with a butter knife. It’s isn’t even a consideration! Why?!? Because it’s not sharp enough. In order to divide the tough fibers of meat your tool of choice must be sharp! This is true for us too!

What’s your tool of choice? The Bible tells us in Hebrews 4:12 that the Word of God is active and sharper than any two edged sword!

“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.”

It separates us from the things of this world that don’t align with His Kingdom. And it done without causing any damage to us! But how many times have we tried to use our own butter knives to deal with situations? The sad butter knife is single sided with a tiny serrated edge that’s only good for nothing. In order to be victorious and overcome the areas that we struggle with we MUUUUSSSTTT reach for the right one. It’s the Word of God!

When we speak the Word of God out of our mouth it releases the sharp two edged sword into the situation.

“He made my mouth like a sharp sword; He hid me in the shadow of His hand. He made me like a polished arrow; He hid me in His quiver. “ Isaiah 49:2

Cutting away anything that doesn’t belong and all that will remain behind is Him!

Whatever situation you're trying to handle in your life with that dull, unfruitful butter knife...put it down. Repent and pick up your sword!


Father I acknowledge you as Lord! And I know that your Word is true! I thank you that your Word is alive and active! Holy Spirit help me today to not be wise in my own eyes. Help me to abandon anything contrary to what your Word says. I will not handle situations in my own strength, but I will trust and rely on what your Word says. I will let the Word handle it, and get out of the way! I overcome because of you! In Jesus’ name, Amen!

In God I trust,


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