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Shameless by D. Andrews

Good Morning Ladies (and few gents),

Today’s devotion included below “A Shameless Audacity” is a reminder from GiG Mary that, “We are saved by God’s grace and nothing we do or don’t do will ever be good enough to earn the favor of God. In Ephesians the apostle Paul tells us that salvation is a gift – period.”

GiG, I don’t know about you but today I’m in the buffet line and taking a heaping serving size of “shameless audacity”. How about you?

Last night as I was going through my mental check list of all that should be done verses what needs to be done in the next two days I had to pause and catch my breath. Darrell and I have been living in “spin cycle” for several months and just when I think the cycle is nearing completion something throws us off balance.

I’m a person who likes to know how things work. For example, my washing machine happens to be one of those things I’m fascinated by because I remember the old turn the handle to wring out the water model that my grandmother owned. Today we have two main varieties of machines. There is one model that has agitators which use a central post that twists back and forth, rubbing against clothes to help break apart stains. In contrast, the other model washing machine with impellers use a low-profile cone or disc that spins/rotates to rub clothes against each other to get them clean.

GiG, whether we’re dealing with life agitators or stuff twisting us back and forth makes no never mind. What matters is the Holy Spirit grabbing hold of my thoughts and whispering “need and necessary or nice but not now.” OUCH!

Those of you who know me well know I don’t know how to do anything half-way. Whatever I do it is with excellence or not at all. There are times I wish I could throttle back and do some things halfway or “good enough for government work.” As I type this, I know without a doubt that I would be fighting myself and my core values which would simply be another energy draining source. And then filtering through my mind comes this verse:

My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever. Psalm 73:26 KJV.

God has an awesome plan for my life, your life, a destiny specially designed for us to walk in alongside Him. But everything we do stems from the condition of our heart — our spiritual core (core values) — so before we can begin walking in our calling, we have to let the Lord strengthen us from the inside out.

May we be encouraged to reach, teach, and live a refreshing, strengthening time with God. He is with us, and He is ready to help us. He has the master plans and knows how everything works for our good, even when we’re experiencing the “spin cycle.”

God’s Got It…so we can TRUST—If God is powerful enough to take us to heaven, He’s powerful enough to have our back on earth. Dr Tony Evans

Have a “Tumble Dry” Thursday, May 16, 2019—no matter how hot it gets remain steadfast.

Called to serve and encouraging others to thrive,

DEA: Embracing a Work-Hard, Rest-Well Life and Loving My Priorities, Loving My Life

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