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We are not the Holy Spirit...

Good Morning Ladies (and few gents),

Today’s devotion included below “Demolition Debbie” is a reminder from GiG Lisa “to realize we’re not the Holy Spirit to others, meaning, it isn’t the job of my comments to reform the behavior of those in my life—it is the job of my prayers and of my God … let’s NEVER allow ourselves to be used by Satan as his weapon in another’s life!”

I am privileged to meet regularly with some of you Girlfriends in God (GiG’s) every Saturday for what I like to call R.E.A.L.L. (Relational, Entertaining, Accountable, and Lord Led) Talk. In our weekly holy huddles we laugh, cry, power up and encourage one another to not simply be hearers only, but doers of God’s Word. I love that in our individual uniqueness we have unity solely because we have one thing in common—we all love Jesus and desire to be more like Christ.

In our first study in 2019, Karen Ehman’s, Keep It Shut is aligned with Lisa’s charge for us today. Because as women (and men) of God we need to get up close and personal with Jesus to know what to say, how to say it, and when to say nothing at all. If you need encouragement concerning your words, this just might be the study for you too, I’d recommend you add it to your “must do” list. You will be glad you did. If you reside in San Diego County, you’re welcome to borrow my DVD when we’re finish. By the way, if I ever mention a study and you’re interested, I don’t mind letting you borrow the materials when we’re finish. I have a library full of great studies.

Yesterday, I began sharing some insights I’ve gained from having read Kyle Idleman’s book, Not a Fan. One being that, “when we learn to truly follow Jesus, we find that obedience to God comes from the inside out. Submitting to what God wants for our lives will flow naturally out of that relationship” Remember, I’m not saying or will ever say that what we do or don’t do doesn’t matter. No, the truth of the matter is what we do or don’t do must come from who we are as fully devoted followers of Jesus.

In life, there are rules we have agreed to follow. Many of these rules are written and/or spelled out for us. These rules, for the most part, are rules that we said we’d live by. However, we sometimes discover that there are other rules we didn’t know about. But they too have clearly been established nonetheless.

“My question: What are God-worshipers like? Your answer: Arrows aimed at God’s bull’s-eye.” Psalm 25:12 MSG

Said another way, “But still one question remains: How do I live in the holy fear of God? Show me the right path to take. Psalm 25:12 TPT

GiG, if our faith walk were nearly a bunch of rules we have to keep, it wouldn’t be long before we’d become bitter and miserable. Yup, some of us would break the rules when the person in charge wasn’t paying attention. And a few might not even wait. OUCH! Not sure this is true, have a sit down or “true talk time” with any junior high or high school student and they’d be quick to clue you in on how this game is often played out.

In my humble opinion, I think it’s time we changed this up in order to make an impact on the youth in our circle of influence, well that’s if we really love Jesus. Yes, do more than what’s necessary and it actually will be quite satisfying. Most of us know the importance of fearing (respecting) the Lord, recognizing God for who he is—holy, almighty, righteous, pure, all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-wise. When we regard God correctly, we gain a clearer picture of ourselves and that’s what we must do to help our youth see themselves as too; sinful, weak, frail, and needy. When we recognize who God is and who we are, we will fall at his feet in humble respect. Only then will he show us how to choose his way.

May we be encouraged today to ward off getting bogged down by rule keeping or rule enforcing, but choose to build relationships, encourage the development of R.E.A.L.L. relationships that encourage and are able to sustain tough talk. Kyle says, “When the relationship on the inside is right, the outside will follow.” That’s also a concept Pastor Pete teaches in the Emotionally Healthy Relationships Course. Let’s help transform the posers, fakers and wannabees in our circle of influence to authentic, Christ-followers. Yup, let’s give our youth and young adults’ truth wrapped in relationship. Let’s give them authentic Bible-based relationships instead of rule wielding relationships.

God’s Got It…so we can GROW—Rules without relationship breeds rebellion. So let’s not nurture more rebels with a cause, but instead nurture the cause for teens to take hold and trust Christ. DEA

Have a “Tongue Tightening” Thursday, February 7, 2019—time to invest in transitioning those fans of Jesus into fully devoted followers of Jesus.

Called to serve and encouraging others to thrive,


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