Loss Prevention...
Dear Friend,
When I was younger I worked for target. I was a cashier and worked in clothing as well. We went through two weeks of training. I remember a part of that training in which we were introduced to "loss prevention". Loss prevention is designed to preserve profit and and reduce preventable lost. A preventable loss is any business cost caused by deliberate or inadvertent human actions known as shrinkage. This can happen through theft, fraud, vandalism, waste, abuse or misconduct.
As I was meditating on the bible and studies today, this thought came to mind. God gives us His Word and the Holy Spirit as "loss prevention." He puts safety measures in place to prevent "loss" in our lives. I used to think he didn't want me to have any fun, but I understand now that he has been doing His best to keep me from losing, things that are valuable to me, "time, money, relationships etc." I am now more grateful for the Word and the Holy Spirit, those moments of caution, the training that helps me win. The grooming that helps me to minimize "shrinkage".
Joshua 1:8, "Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."
I'm finally understanding how success and prosperity is in His word.
Theft Proof,