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Watch Yo Mouth

Dear Friend, Although I played sports most of my life, I’m quite partial to basketball. My husband and I can usually watch any basketball game college or professional without any issues. But unfortunately that’s about where my tolerance for watching sports stops. Like most, my husband enjoys football. I watched the Super Bowl game with him. My only true enjoyment comes from watching the commercials and half time show. This year there was a car commercial where a man spoke any request and it happened. It was focusing on the many voice activated capabilities of the vehicle. At the end of it, the narrator said, “Too bad you can’t have everything you say in real life...” But according to God’s Kingdom as born again believers we can! We are creative speaking beings! (See Genesis 1:27) God is a creative speaking being. Everything He created was formed by the spoken Word. We have the power to speak something and watch it manifest. Our life is simply a reflection of every word that we’ve spoken or words we’ve come into agreement with that someone else spoke. Let us be sensitive and keenly aware to the words that we speak. Everything we meditate on will eventually be revealed in the words we speak. Let words of your mouth today and the mediations of your be acceptable in His sight! (Psalm 19:14) If you don’t want it, don’t say it! Watching my mouth,


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