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You can't afford to be Selfish...

Good Morning Ladies (and few gents),

Today’s devotion included below “Notice Others in a Selfie World” is a reminder from GiG Arlene that, “Selfish ambition is a work of the flesh, not of the Holy Spirit.”

It’s Monday and time to share the 20th Catechism truth. God’s timing couldn’t be any better.

“For, There is one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus.” 1 Timothy 2:5

Question 20: Who is the Redeemer? (1 Timothy 2:5)

Answer: “The only Redeemer is the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, in whom God became man and bore the penalty for sin himself.”

GiG, the Redeemer is Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God. Yes, the eternal Son of God became man and lived a real human life like ours, minus our modern conveniences. Jesus lived like you and me; the only difference—he always trusted God.

I know there are times throughout the day that we’ve failed to trust God. However, I recently read this quote and experienced a wow moment. “Jesus Christ is called the Redeemer because he ‘re-deem’ his people. He resets our value.”

God in his great love sent his only begotten Son, who lived a perfect life, died on the cross, and then rose from the dead in order to bring us to him, to redeem us. That’s what we mean when we say Jesus Christ is our Redeemer.

May we be encouraged in knowing the precious Redeemer, before the world began, loved us. He gave up his glory to bear our shame. He glorified his Father by obeying him all the way to the cross.

God’s Got It…so we can GROW—Transformation is the demonstration that the information has taken root.

Have a “Thanking our Messiah” Monday, January 28, 2019—Jesus deserves our praise, thanks, and worship. We have not hope but in HIM.

Called to serve and encouraging others to thrive,


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