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Operators Manual!

Dear Friends,

II Timothy 3;16-17 (amp), "Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, (and) for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God's will in thought, purpose, action). So that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work.

We recently purchased a cash car while we were out of town. Before purchasing the owner of the car gave us a list of things that needed to be done on the vehicle. She mentioned that "Service D" would soon need to be schedule for maintenance. Neither of us knew what that meant, so we sought the owner's manual for guidance. The manual was able to give us detailed information about the upcoming service needed. I had purchased a vehicle in same family about a year and half ago. However, my vehicle was purchased from a rental company and didn't have the owner's manual inside the glove box. Upon reading the manual, we learned about a summer feature that would allow you to let down all the windows, plus open the sunroof on a hot day before entering the vehicle. My husband mentioned that my car may have the same feature, and to my surprise it did. This would have been a special feature, I was not aware of.

There are many things I learned about my vehicle over the last year and a half, but without the owner's manual I was not able to utilize it to full capacity. The owner's manual provided us with information, knowledge, tips and advice to get the full benefit of the vehicle. By following instructions, it will assure that our vehicle continues to runs properly.

The point of sharing this, is to remind us that God is the designer of all mankind, and He didn't leave us without an owner's manual. He left us his Holy Word (The Bible). If we really want to operate in the full capacity of this life. Then we must read, study, and apply what the Designer (God) has instructed us to do. The word of God provides us with all the information we need to live a complete (full) life. If we aren't functioning in our full capacity, it's not the designer's fault. It's our own fault, because He has thoroughly equipped us with all the information, and knowledge we will ever need in this life. He even left us an amazing feature.....The Holy Spirit, which teaches us how to rightly divide and apply what the owner's manual (bible) teaches us.

Continuing to Seek the Manual,

Chanda Rose

Check out today's devotional for Coffee and Conversations: God Doesn't Leave You Broken!

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