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A green thumb...

Dear Friend,

I don't have what some would consider a green thumb. I have never really taken care of a plant and it lived. But what I haven't told you is, that I've never really put the effort in to it as well. I usually forget to water it, give it sunlight. Usually because I am too busy. Taking care of plants require time and effort, and I have to be honest i have not made the time. I have to admit I have always been neglectful and mistreated the plants i had, i didn't understand the value of them.

I remember growing up my mom was excellent with plants. I also remember how patient, careful and attentive she was to them, as a matter of fact as I meditated on this I realized my mom's ability to take care of plants reflected many other areas of her life, where she was patient, careful and attentive (her career, her finances, etc.). As I reflect she taught me that what we value, put emphasis on and effort into would grow. Rather she knew it or not my mom realized those areas in her life, needed to be treated carefully so that she could reap a harvest later. She understood what she sowed now, she would reap in due season.

Too often in life we are careless with the things and people around us, we rush and move so quickly that we are not attentive. We rush our words, we don't spend enough time, we aren't careful to expose them to enough light. Most of time we aren't thinking about the impact on our relationships later. Maintenance is necessary in so many areas of our lives. Think about the relationships around you, which ones have you neglected, mistreated, half cared for, what has happened to those. I don't think some of us have realized yet that our life is a harvest, we are constantly sowing (maintaining) and we will reap a harvest at an appointed time. 2 Cor 9:6-8, "The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work."

Today I am going to get a plant, I want to correctly care for one, I want to be reminded that my life is a harvest, and that whatever I sow, I am going to reap at some point. I want this plant to stand for my relationships, money, purpose and time with God. I want to be daily reminded that whatever I sow (maintain correctly) I am going to reap (see Galatians 6:7-10). I am determined to maintain a green thumb.



Watch Today's Coffee and Conversations: A Green Thumb

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