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Love as a seed...

Dear Friend,

Do you remember how important valentine's day was in school? We couldn't wait to get all of our cards and gifts and candy. I remember when I was in Junior High we could buy these candy grams and send them to other people. I think they cost about $5. They would always get delivered during our 7th period class. If you received a candy gram that day, you felt so important. I remember one day I was sitting in class, not expecting a candy gram (by the way i love surprises) and I received a candy gram. I was in shock because I wasn't expecting anything, i didn't have a boyfriend. I read the note and it was from a really special friend, I remember the note read something like this, "Because you always love and support me, even when I don't always love and support you back. Thank you for being a good friend."

I learned that day that love was a seed, and it would eventually produce a harvest. Genesis 8:28 says, "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease." That means the love seeds you sow, will always reap a harvest, why? Because love is a spiritual law, that will yield a spiritual harvest. DON'T think it isn't working, don't give up on love, don't get weary in well doing, i promise your harvest is coming, you will get a return on that which you have sown. Just faint not (see Galatians 6:8) !!!!



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