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Mimicking God!

Mimicking God….…. By LaKisha M. Johnson

Matthew 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.

Scripture Reference: Proverbs 6:18, Galatians 5:19-21, 1 Thessalonians 5:11 and Ephesians 4:29 1 Corinthians 14:33

I remembering a little girl, wanting to wear my mom’s shoes, her clothes and that I wanted hair just like hers. I remember the times I would watch her play in her make-up and then I would turn around and sneak in the make-up and try to replicate her look. She was my role model the person I looked up to, and I was always trying to mimic . I would catch her at times watching me and I could tell that she was flattered by my imitation of her.

The past few weeks we have been studying the beatitudes, I have realized that Jesus was teaching us to mimic God, to have our hearts; minds and actions look more like Him. God is a God of peace, and if our lives aren’t peaceable, then we aren’t acting like our Father. Our feet shouldn’t running swift into evil, we should be careful with the words we say, we aren’t to be in strife, we aren’t to act any kind of way. We should edify and build up, that is what a “child (son) of God”, should like. We should try to make peace, and not war always. To imitate (mimic) God is the highest form of flattery.

Prayer: Father make us righteous, we desire to be more like you, in Jesus Name. Amen

LaKisha M. Johnson is mom, author, motivational speaker, minister and teacher. She is the host of Coffee and Conversations on “facebook live” Monday-Friday at 5:00 am central standard time and Saturdays at 8:00 am central standard time. She hosts a pajama party for women, “Pillow Talk” several times throughout the year, walking them through God inspired truths, while providing a place of vulnerability and transparency to talk. To find out more information on her log on to and follow her on social media @justbeinglmj.

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