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The Gospel became the Gospel.

The Gospel Became the Gospel by LaKisha M. Johnson

Matthew 6:38, “Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.”

I don’t think I got it, until I got it. That I understood that Jesus, was the Gospel. He became the living example of carrying the good news, while here on earth. He was baptized (Matthew 3:13-17), tempted by satan (Matthew 4: 1—11), criticized, ostracized, and still walked around with his head up (Mark 2). He experienced thirst, and hunger and showed us what it was like for God to provide (Mark 11:12) . He was an example of light and salt (Matthew 19:14). He showed us how to take authority, how to live above the noise, and how to fulfill your assignment here on earth (Mark 8:31). He was tired, frustrated and even a couple of time asked God, to let Him out of His assignment (Mark 14:36). The Gospel, became the Gospel so that we could see it walked out here on earth.

I know most of us will say, well I am not Jesus. No, you aren’t but you are here by divine purpose, to fulfill your particular assignment on earth, and what Jesus did was provide us a role model or living example of what and how this should look like. John 14: 12, “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” He left us a divine path and coupled it with more instructions so that we could have success in every area of our lives. He knew we would be unsuccessful, and not perfect, which is why He became the sacrifice (John 10:10). His life is a testament of how we should carry ourselves as Christians, the road map to carrying the good news is what we accept when we accept Him into our life. The bible is our spiritual plan, the Holy Spirit (John 16:7) our life coach and when we use them together, there is a promise of peace and also eternal life (John 3:16).

Prayer: Jesus, Thank you for being our role model. A living example of how, we should live on this earth. Thank you for being our mediator into the Kingdom of heaven, for paving a way for us. Thank you Holy Spirit for being our guide on our particular journey in life. In Jesus Name. Amen

LaKisha M. Johnson is mom, author, motivational speaker, minister and teacher. She is the host of Coffee and Conversations on “facebook live” Monday-Friday at 5:00 am central standard time and Saturdays at 8:00 am central standard time. She hosts a pajama party for women, “Pillow Talk” several times throughout the year, walking them through God inspired truths, while providing a place of vulnerability and transparency to talk. To find out more information on her log on to and follow her on social media @justbeinglmj.

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