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No Substitutes

Dear Friends,

This world has a way of presenting us with so many options, you can substitute just about anything, sugar, cheese, washing powder, etc. There is a generic version of everything, and option for the authentic. There is an always a different choice, a different version, an alternative solution. This “world” presents us with just about a “fill in” for everything.

One time I wanted to make a chicken and cheese casserole. I was trying to save on money, so I bought a very generic cheap cheese. I went to prepare this meal, as I always have. I was excited about saving money and providing one of my favorite dishes for my family. That night as we sat at the dinner table, I began to watch the faces of everyone; they didn’t seem as pleased as normal. My late husband said to me, “What did you do differently?” I said, “I wanted to save money, so I changed the cheese.” Everyone ate, but they ate in silent, it was good, but it wasn’t the best. Later my husband and I were talking about the meal and my disappointment that they weren’t pleased with it. He said, “Baby, some stuff just can’t be substituted, it just doesn’t taste the same”.

I wonder if the lady at the well (John 4: 1-26) when encountered by Jesus, thought He was completely crazy. I am sure she did, here she is at the well, drawing water like she normally does and this man, with whom she shouldn’t even be talking to comes up to her and ask her to give Him a drink. I am sure the first glance, was a sideways glance with some clear thoughts in her head, she is amazed that this Jew would ask a Samaritan for a drink, they didn’t even associate with each other. I am sure we have all felt the same way when God has given us a clear invitation to Him, “You want to talk to me, the sinner?” But Jesus is clear, in His conversation to her, even when she states the obvious. He didn’t care about her sins, or who she was or whether or not He was breaking protocol. He was more interested in making sure she understood the relationship was more important, His response to her was simple. Jesus said, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” Now we know she didn’t believe this or understand this at first, but something in her heart began to minister to her about what Jesus was offering, it was an opportunity of a life time that she knew she couldn’t refuse a chance to forever be in the presence of the King.]

There have been times in my life in which I've tried to substitute Christ with other things, but for me I found out it was like drinking a soda on a real hot day, no matter how much I tried, it could never quench my thirst.......only water worked....

Psalms 42:1.......... As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God.

Prayer: Father I thank you for who you are in my life, thank you that you said you would never leave me thirsty again. You are for me as the stream is to the dear needing water, enough to supply and take care of all my needs. Holy Spirit show me the areas in my life, in which I have tried to substitute Jesus for other things. Let my life, only be quenched by the authentic things in YOU. In Jesus Name, Amen

I Only Want the Real Thing,


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